If you have a friend, partner or familly member who suffers from mental illness, you are not alone. NAMI is a wonderful organazation who supports those with mental illness and their families.

July 31st 2024:

Starting August 1st we will not be re-routing stimulant prescriptions or other controlled substances to other pharmacies due to them being on “backorder, needing to be ordered, or out of stock”. We will only transfer these controlled substances as a one time courtesy on a case by case emergency basis. If your pharmacy is not in stock of your controlled prescription and you want an immediate prescription you will need to pick up a paper script from our office and we will cancel the current prescription.

The stimulant shortages are resolving and supply will be back to pre-shortage norms.

Non controlled substances can be transferred from your current pharmacy to a pharmacy of your choosing without having your provider ‘resend” the existing prescription.

To read more about the stimulant shortage please check out the following links:



Drug Topics